Expand Templates to Text in Wikipedia: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Chrystalla - hkhazo.biz.id

Expand Templates to Text in Wikipedia: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Want to learn the secret to unlocking the full potential of Wikipedia templates? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to expand templates to text in Wikipedia, taking your wiki-editing skills to the next level.

What are Wikipedia Templates?

Wikipedia templates are pre-designed pages that allow editors to quickly and easily add consistent information to articles. They’re a crucial tool for maintaining the site’s massive repository of knowledge. Templates can be used for a wide range of purposes, from providing navigation bars to formatting tables.

Why Expand Templates to Text?

Expanding templates to text is an essential skill for any serious Wikipedia editor. By converting templates into plain text, you can:

  • Improve article readability by removing unnecessary code
  • Make it easier to edit and maintain complex pages
  • Enhance collaboration by making templates more accessible to new editors

Step 1: Understanding Template Syntax

Before we dive into expanding templates, it’s essential to understand the basic syntax. Wikipedia templates use a combination of wiki markup and parser functions to generate text. Here’s a breakdown of the most common template syntax elements:


In this example, `template_name` is the name of the template, and `parameter1` and `parameter2` are the input values. The `|` character separates each parameter.

Parser Functions

Parser functions are a type of template that allows you to perform complex operations within a page. They’re denoted by the `#` symbol followed by the function name. Here are some common parser functions:

{{#ifeq: {{namespace}} | User | yes | no }}

In this example, the `#ifeq` parser function checks if the current namespace is “User” and returns “yes” or “no” accordingly.

Step 2: Expanding Templates Using the ExpandButton

The easiest way to expand templates is using the ExpandButton, a built-in feature of the Wikipedia editor. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the article you want to edit in the Wikipedia editor.
  2. Click on thegear icon in the top-right corner of the editor and select “Edit source” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Find the template you want to expand and click on it to select it.
  4. Click on the ExpandButton (looks like a pair of arrows pointing outward) in the top toolbar.
  5. The template will be expanded into plain text, replacing the original template code.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If the ExpandButton doesn’t work as expected, try the following:

  • Check if the template is properly transcluded (i.e., it starts with `{{` and ends with `}}`)
  • Ensure that the template is not protected or partially protected
  • Verify that you have permission to edit the page

Step 3: Manually Expanding Templates Using Wiki Markup

In some cases, the ExpandButton might not work, or you might need more control over the expansion process. That’s where manual expansion comes in. Here’s how to do it:

Simple Templates

For simple templates, you can manually replace the template code with the desired text. For example, consider the following template:


To manually expand this template, you would replace it with:

Welcome, JohnDoe!

Complex Templates

For more complex templates, you’ll need to use wiki markup to recreate the template’s functionality. Let’s take a look at an example:

{{Infobox person
| name        = John Doe
| birth_date  = 1990-02-28
| occupation  = Software engineer

To manually expand this template, you would need to recreate the infobox using wiki tables and formatting:

Name John Doe
Birth date February 28, 1990
Occupation Software engineer

Best Practices for Expanding Templates

When expanding templates, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use the ExpandButton whenever possible to ensure accuracy and consistency
  • Manually expand templates only when necessary, and always verify the output
  • Keep the expanded text organized and formatted for readability
  • Collaborate with other editors to ensure that the expanded text aligns with the original template’s intent


Expanding templates to text in Wikipedia is a crucial skill for any serious editor. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of Wikipedia templates and take your wiki-editing skills to the next level. Remember to always follow best practices and collaborate with other editors to ensure that the expanded text is accurate, consistent, and readable.

Now, go forth and expand those templates like a pro!

Frequently Asked Question

Need help with expanding templates to text in Wikipedia? We’ve got you covered! Check out our FAQs below.

What is the purpose of expanding templates to text in Wikipedia?

Expanding templates to text in Wikipedia allows editors to transform template content into readable text, making it easier for readers to access and understand the information. This process also helps to reduce clutter and improve the overall readability of articles.

How do I expand templates to text in Wikipedia?

To expand templates to text, simply click on the “Expand” button or link next to the template, and Wikipedia will automatically convert the template content into readable text. You can also use the “subst” keyword to expand templates manually.

What are the benefits of expanding templates to text in Wikipedia?

Expanding templates to text offers several benefits, including improved readability, reduced clutter, and enhanced accessibility for readers with disabilities. It also helps to simplify the editing process for Wikipedia editors.

Can I customize the way templates are expanded to text in Wikipedia?

Yes, Wikipedia allows you to customize the expansion of templates to text using various options and parameters. For example, you can use the “subst” keyword to customize the expansion process or use template parameters to control the output.

Are there any best practices for expanding templates to text in Wikipedia?

Yes, Wikipedia has guidelines for expanding templates to text. It’s recommended to expand templates in a way that preserves the original content and formatting, and to avoid introducing errors or inaccuracies during the expansion process.